Monday, October 3, 2011

How To Make a PAYPAL Account

Tutorials Step-by-Step How to Apply PAYPAL
Very easy to register a PayPal account, follow these steps:
  1. Click here to open the PayPal website.
  2. Click the "Sign Up Today".

Click Sign Up Today for a list

  1. In the form of options, make sure the country or region: (. To let alone Bahasa language that we use the same term.:D
  1. On account type selection form, select the "Premier". This type of account has the most advantages.

  2. Enter the data yourself data such as full name, email, address, no. the phone.
    These emails will you use to log into PayPal username. (Later you can get another email, the Mass if you have more than one email.)
    Make sure your name is in accordance with the data on credit card or VCC-Indonesia (if you do not have a credit card) you later. To fill it, if you name two words such as "Joko Tarub" like this:
    First name: Joko
    Last name: Tarub
    If your name is three words such as "Holy Dwi Lestari" like this:
    First name: Holy
    Middle name: Dwi
    Last name: Sustainable
    Enter no. HP your Phone number with prefix 62 (country code Indonesia), eg 08123456789 becomes:
    Masukkan no. HP Anda di Phone number dengan awalan 62 (kode negara Indonesia), misal 08123456789 menjadi:

  1. Click “Agree and Create Account”.
  1. If you have a credit card, fill in your credit card data in this step.

Form PayPal for Credit Card & VCC
If you do not have a credit card or VCC, click "Go To My Account" and then to step 8.

PayPal without Credit Card, Direct click "Go To My Account"
  1. PAYPAL will send a confirmation to your email.
    Please open your email, and click the confirmation link sent by PayPal. Login by entering your password then your PayPal account ready for use.
Warning: To avoid the risk of phishing, be careful when logging in via the PayPal link in the email. Always make sure the URL in the web browser really at login.
Done! Fast and practical
Example of a PayPal account that appears as follows: (still unverified)

Daftar ke PayPal dan mulai terima pembayaran kartu kredit secara instan.